Klara Ana Rosa



Klara Ana Rosa


My name is Klara Ana Rosa, MaSibanda. I have walked and continue to walk the path of deep initiation, listening, and creating. The path of magic, mystery and music. The path of ceremony on four continents. After years of studying and initiating in ritual and ceremony in Africa, South America, North America, and Poland, I now run Mhondoro Dreams Productions, which is a spiritual-artistic bridge between the Slavic culture and Southern Africa (Poland and Zimbabwe).

I am a ceremonialist - a musician, writer, director, actor, creator and healer, who combines all of her mediums into an experiential, transformational production. I am also a teacher - I open worlds for you, and support you as you walk through them.

You are welcome to explore my space - books, courses, ceremony music recordings, films, and one-on-one session offerings...



20 marca – INSTYTUT TEATRALNY, WARSZAWA. Spotkanie z cyklu ‘Książka w Teatrze’, poświęcone mojej książce (Teatr Ceremonii – Opowieści dla Ludzi i Przodków). Prowadzić będą Panie Elżbieta Zimna, Pani Joanna Grabowiecka, Pan Jarosław Fret (Instytut Grotowskiego) i ja również.

22 marca – Koncert-Ceremonia – Gwiezdne Korzenie. 19.00 – 21.00: https://www.facebook.com/events/803800331559652

23 marca - Warsztat i Ceremonia - Muzyka, Gwiazdy i Afrykańska Duchowość: https://www.facebook.com/events/851901493408627

7 kwietnia – Warsztat i Ceremonia (Muzyczna) – Duchowa Droga Afryki. (Warszawa) Wydarzenie: https://www.facebook.com/events/419533810745735

13 – 14 kwietnia – Ceremonia Przodków w Grodzisku Mazowieckim (CAŁONOCNA CEREMONIA!) Wydarzenie: https://www.facebook.com/events/309740588597940

Spotkania 1-1 do umówienia: mhondorodreams@gmail.com


15ego kwietnia – 17.00 – 18.15, UW, WARSZAWA – Koncert Klara Ana Rosa i Zespół Polsko-Afrykański TORAJ na konferencji Afrykanistycznej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim (będę również robić prezentację o Afrykańskich mitologiach gwiazd na konferencji.)

Zapraszam na odsłuchanie mojej muzyki – ostatnią płytę muzyki ceremonialnej (opublikowanej w zeszłym miesiącu), można odsłuchać tutaj: https://open.spotify.com/album/1AynOIpFTWUAGDNYZAoCAQ

Spotkania 1-1 do umówienia: mhondorodreams@gmail.com

1-1 Sessions by appointment: mhondorodreams@gmail.com


And of course, please apply for THE NYAMATSATSE FESTIVAL 2024 – Africa’s Spiritual History (The Story of Nehanda) is taking applications – for presentations, performances, music, poetry, art installations, panels, volunteers, and anything else you can imagine that becomes part of the conversation and ceremony we are having around Africa’s Spiritual History. This is our third edition, and as usual, our festival is star-oriented time-wise and theme-wise, goes for seven days, with an all-night ceremony signifying the Nyamatsatse rebirth. The Festival ends with the light of the morning star on the dawn of the eighth day.

The dates are August 4 – 11, 2024 in Harare and Masvingo.

Africa’s Spiritual History – it is time for us to decode the ways in which the behavior and impact of the Spirit actually has and continues to influence the course of what we perceive to be ‘human times.’

Here is our opening video (with the application form and gofundme link in the description): https://youtu.be/RJKdUSNlJcE




Będziemy się za was modlić: Z Polski do Zimbabwe Ścieżkami Przodków - 2020

Teatr Ceremonii: Opowieści dla Ludzi i Przodków - 2023




ceremony albums and others





The Star Ceremony

Moon Songs for Elephants

Songs from 'NZARA-HUNGER' (Animated Motion Picture Soundtrack)


SPOTIFY CHANNEL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/59xRXJyzVNBj7KNZFCkv0p

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0BLJ528CC/klara-ana-rosa

APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/klara-wojtkowska/1489379036



I was born a musician I became a professional violinist and then began playing and singing in ceremony Sacred ceremony changed my style completely I discovered the true meaning and power of music and I began playing and singing intuitively according to the energies and intuitions that I felt at the time I discovered that music can change energy heal timelines build bridges from us to the stars spirits and ancestors My music is a mix of violin voice mbira kora drum I infuse the music and sounds with intention love and spirit that allows for wonderful journeying and simply living

SPOTIFY CHANNEL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/59xRXJyzVNBj7KNZFCkv0p

AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0BLJ528CC/klara-ana-rosa

APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/klara-wojtkowska/1489379036

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@klaraanarosa



Tarot i Inne Dywinacje...

Uczymy się czytać tarota z perspektywy

rdzennych tradycji dywinacji, i wyrabiać język symboli (nie tylko kart),

który pomoże nam diagnozować, czytać,

i rozumieć głębsze znaczenie pytania.

Kurs Szamanizmu 2: Ciąg Dalszy

Dla tych, którzy zakończyli kurs dla

początkujących, lub inne szkolenie...

Kurs Szamanizmu

Powołanie szamańskie pochodzi od ducha, ale wsparcie i wiedza ludzi są

bardzo pomocne w ponownych narodzinach jako szaman. Skupiamy się w kursie na rytuałach ale będzie również o dywinacji, żywiołach, przodkach i ochronie.



Ceremony Theatre

The origins of Theatre are in ceremony

and ritual. How do we revive the practice of spiritual theatre with real

impact (like rituals are meant to do)?

Course online. Certificate given after completion.

Shamanism: An Initiation Course

This is a course that respects and honors the

individual nature of every shaman-spirit worker's calling, and that supports the calling

and helps every person decipher their calling

and create initiation around being birthed into

the calling.

Tarot and Other Divinations

How do we read in the spirit? How do we

create a language of metaphors and

symbols that allows us also to read

many realities at once and help clients

as well? A course for diviners and those with no experience. Based on indigenous divination systems, but created as an innovation and a tool meant to help us in today's world.


to create





Stars and Spirits Consultations Are you searching for the secret inner spiritual logic of your life Is there some issue in your life for which you would like some insight and clarity A spirit reading consultation divination reading is a standard traditional cultural process of getting to the spiritual root of a problem that is bothering a person this problem could be manifesting in the body in feelings emotions thoughts dreams or a life that is replete with the same things going wrong over and over again The traditional healer focuses in on the web of relationships at play within the constellation of an individual human soul and sees what is most pertinent to the experienced malady Within the world of the traditional healer all layers and aspects of a person are taken into account first and foremost the desire of the spirit what is the message of transformation that the spirit wants to impart through this communication There are no limits to techniques for divinations and readings the most important thing however is the communication between the Ancestors of the client and the Ancestors of the healer If there is no communication there then any technique whether it is tarot cards or bone and shell readings are useless and can only give us a list of characteristics at best And as many diviners know seeing is one thing translating what is seen is another It takes enormous wisdom to be able to translate what is seen into useful information this is what I strive for in my work



My session with Klara is a meeting I will never forget. She is an extraordinary woman who seems much older in spirit than her young face would indicate. The quality of the connection between us, her great authenticity and honesty, openness, humility and wisdom was an extraordinary mix for me, which made my eyes widen in several aspects of my life. I felt that I was regaining something I had missed for a long time. I felt that I wanted to come with my problem to her, and I know it was the best choice for me. I think that such energy as Klara has is not common. I am very impressed, very grateful, and I feel great joy that I have met someone like this on my path. Klara has a great connection with the invisible world. And it does not surprise me at all – in the place of this world, I would also like to be close to her :)) I recommend her most heartily.




Testimonials (continued)

Klara is a skilled and sensitive ceremony facilitator. This is my third ceremony with her and they have all been wonderful experiences. She creates beautiful music and is caring and perceptive. She combines a really remarkable musical talent with deep knowledge, openness, and empathy to help create truly sacred spaces. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to participate in ceremony with her and hope that I will have many more opportunities in the future.



The Divination Course has opened me up to completely new spaces both internal and external Klara is an amazing person and very impressive to listen to I have the impression that Klara s course is patronized by the spirit of Africa Until now I have not felt drawn to this direction but during the course it turned out that this indigenous approach and certainly also the indigenous approach translated by Klara and passed through her sensitivity is something that I find overwhelmingly beautiful The course opened me up to divination which so far has not even been a topic in my life I didn t even know what it was I just felt that as a person trying to extract from life s difficulties the greatest treasure and working with people in terms of body soul mind and emotions I do not find that any method can completely hold what I am doing I just can t fit This course made me realize that I don t even have to try to fit in but I have total freedom to be who I am supposed to be and work how I work with people based on my own intuition The course also opened me up to my magic which I missed madly in my adult life and which was lost somewhere For me this course is a huge YES on my way Klara is a discovery and a real gem for me I see in her wisdom openness humility and the permission to be myself emanating from every word and movement which is also communicated to me and which I simply absorb I have been on the path of being myself for a long time but the course created by Klara made me realize that I can make myself comfortable in it and I do not have to be quiet Klara s meditations and her singing combined with music create a sacred space for me which tells me that everyone is important and that there is a place for everyone in the universe Even if it sounds lofty it s exactly what I feel It is also invaluable for me that I started talking to my Ancestors that I noticed them and that I understood that they live a life through me and it is necessary and worth taking them into account It is also wonderful how Klara shows not only the possibility but also a mutual need for dialogue with the earth with nature and the spiritual world I believe that Klara is an excellent teacher and has a lot to offer The formula of the course allows you to come back to it and I feel a very strong need to do so Klara is open to any questions she answers them in videos so that everyone can take advantage of the answers and grow together I also feels that she is genuinely committed to the effects of what she communicates and that she is genuinely interested in the person attending the course I am delighted grateful and incredibly inspired I know I ll be coming back for more DIVINATION COURSE PARTICIPANT



One-on-One Divination ​Sessions


200 - 250 USD

(Sliding Scale)


450 - 600 zł.

(Sliding Scale)

Klara Ana Rosa, MaSibanda


with Me

IG: Klara_mhondorodreams

FB: Klara Ana Rosa, MaSibanda



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